Please upload opengl-1.1.0-9, keeping 1.1.0-8 as previous.
This update should solve the problems that have been reported after the 
release of new X server, such as:
The problems were due to some conflict with the last version of
the libGL-devel, libGLU-devel, libglut-devel packages. See:
Unfortunately, users of the opengl package might have to change the way they 
build their applications. See:
There is a remaining conflict with the w32api package, with a workaround. 
This would be the subject of another thread.
Exerbs from the updated README.txt:
What has changed since opengl-1.1.0-8
A new symbolic link, /usr/include/opengl/GL -> /usr/include/w32api/GL was
added to be able to compile native OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, GLUI, and GLUIX program 
when the libGL-devel, libGLU-devel, libglut-devel packages are also installed. 
In that case, compiling with -I/usr/include/opengl is REQUIRED, 
otherwise the headers from libGL-devel, libGLU-devel, libglut-devel will be 
used, leading to missing functions at link time.
If the libglut-devel package is not installed, you can compile as usual.
usr/lib/glut32.lib is now provided. It should used instead of libglut32.a.
A bug introduced in opengl-1.1.0-6 was corrected in glut.h. The bug caused the
program to continue to run in the background if its window was closed by using
the close (X) icon in the title bar. If you prefer to keep that behavior, you 
must recompile with -DGLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK .
glut-examples was added to /usr/lib.
The helloGLUT example program was improved.
FAQ.txt was added.

Please be aware that the following links are not "wget-able". 
This is a caveat of skydrive.
- André Bleau, Cygwin's volunteer OpenGL package maintainer.
Please direct any question or comment about the OpenGL package to cygwin at 
cygwin dot com

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