Based on what I've seen since emacs-23 became available for testing, I think it's probably time to promote it to "current" rather than "experimental" for people testing cygwin 1.7. That leaves a few weeks before the release of 1.7 to help emacs users with the transition from emacs-21 to emacs-23. At the same time, I would want to rebuild the package with the latest cygport and improve the documentation.

Before sending an RFU, I'd like to know whether people think this is reasonable. An alternative would be to wait until the dust settles from the release of 1.7.

As to 1.5, my inclination is to do nothing further, leaving emacs-21 as current and emacs-23 as experimental. My thinking is that users who stick with 1.5 prefer stability. But if they do decide they want emacs-23, they can still choose it.


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