Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Packaging looks ok, but did you really intend to support only static
> linking against libbotan.a?  There's no DLL in /usr/bin, nor a import
> lib in /usr/lib.

For now, yes, it's intentional… the author told me shared libs are not
currently supported on Windows and Cygwin, and I didn't have time to
investigate the issue much further.

I have DLL support in my TODO list for future versions, though.

I'd prefer to have this package "soon" (and be able to package
monotone-0.44) as opposed as having a "perfect" package in a month or
so… but if that's a problem, we can certainly live with monotone-0.42 a
bit longer.

BTW: monotone-0.44 also needs lua, that is currently available via
CygwinPorts, but not as official packages… I know no LUA and am not
particularly interested in managing that package, but i'm willing to
manage it, as it's needed for a package I'm very interested into…

Lapo Luchini -

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it.” (Donald Knuth, 1977-03-22)

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