On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 09:35:11AM -0700, Krishna Achugatla wrote:
>Hi Christopher,
>Thank you very much the quick reply.
>Sorry for the confusion. We will make all the required changes to
>Setup. But was interested to know the required changes are possible or
>not. With you reply, all (except 5) are possible as it's just a
>software after all.
>Probably, we need your support in making a clone of the Setup, so that
>we can make required changes on top of it.
>Please let us know the procedure to have a clone of the Setup project?.

If you want to make your own copy of the sources then nobody is going to
stop you.  setup.exe is licensed under the GPL.  We are not going to
give you write access to CVS.  That doesn't make any sense (How would it
scale if everybody who wanted their own customized version required me
to set you up?  How would that benefit Cygwin?) and you shouldn't want
to use an external site for your local development anyway.

If you're talking about just adding a EULA for the binaries that you
install then that falls into "It's just software" category.  setup.exe's
GPL nature doesn't infect the binaries that it installs and displaying
an additional screen is trivial.

If you're talking about adding a EULA concering the proper use of
setup.exe, that is not something you can do unless the EULA ust
reiterates the GPL.


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