On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 11:22:46AM -0700, David Rothenberger wrote:
>On 8/20/2010 11:01 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>Can I get a show of hands?  How many package maintainers would like to
>>have a bug tracker?
>-0 (Not in favor, but I'll monitor it if it's implemented.)
>We're still going to have to monitor the mailing list, so this just
>adds burden AFAICT.  Does anyone really think we'll get fewer duplicate
>reports or better reports with a bug tracker?  I don't.  I expect it'll
>either not get used or get so full of cruft that it'll become unusable.

I agree with you 100% I personally think it's going to be a maintenance
burden for me personally.  If this is going to be useful, someone has to
monitor it and keep it clean.  And we'll have people clamoring for
accounts.  And people claiming that they can't get in.

And, I'll see all of the same non-problems in the bug reports that we
see in the list except when I close something as WONTFIX it will be
reopened by some cranky user.  That's just more stomach acid for me.

However, if we can get someone to take on some of this burden, I'm
willing to do what's necessary to tweak bugzilla.  I don't want to stand
in the way of "progress" if we everyone thinks this is a good idea.

I respect the opinions of the maintainers here because they have
demonstrated that they know what they are doing.  I don't automatically
give credence to random internet voices because they stress their points
in insulting or forceful ways, no matter how much they want to be seen
as experts.  So, if a majority of maintainers think this is a good idea
I'm much more likely to be convinced.

(I don't speak for Corinna here, of course)

>> And, in that line, how about per-package FAQs on the cygwin site?
>Isn't that what the /usr/share/doc/Cygwin files are for? What's the
>advantage of having a FAQ section on the cygwin site? How will it be

Just a URL you can point to.


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