On Jul 29 03:14, Warren Young wrote:
> Collecting all Corinna reply answers here:
> On 7/28/2011 3:08 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >It seems that black was a bad choice for the Cygwin C.
> Is there a reason we cannot change it now?  I don't see that Red Hat
> has filed a US trademark on the logo.

It's not about Red Hat.  The C may be ugly, but it's something
which is now recognized as Cygwin.

> Is the new color scheme on cygwin.com just someone's disconnected
> idea, or is it part of the product's current identity?  Perhaps
> green and black is démodé?

cgf just modernized the web page.  It has nothing to do with the colors
of the C.

> >the longer I see the 48x48 icon on my desctop, the more I like
> >it.
> You mean the second version, with the bright Cygwin logo alone in
> the terminal window, rather than the original "with text" composite?


> We can mix-and-match.  We could go for a lone Konsole icon for the
> smaller sizes and add the Cygwin C only at larger sizes, for
> example. That's one of the freedoms you buy when you include
> multiple sizes in a single icon file.

I'd prefer to go for a lone C in the >= 32x32 sizes.

> At the largest size, we'd have enough resolution to add some text
> back in.  Imagine a green glass tty look with, say, autoconf output,
> scaled for a proper 80x25 grid?

Sounds nice, but it distracts from the message (the C).

> >What if the green glow around the black C glows a bit more?
> Totally doable.  The main limit is taste, not tech.

That's what I played with in gimp, but the results didn't look overly
well.  That doesn't mean much, though.  I would like to see this once
done by a professional, just to be sure it's unbearable. :)

> >What if the green glow is replaced with a pretty light grey glow, just
> >to help distinguishing the C from the background?
> Yes.  You also have choices of mattes, strokes, bevels, etc.

Oh, I don't know how this looks like.  If I had examples...

> I'm also a fair hand with 3D, which gets you specular highlights,
> shadows and suchlike, which can help a logo pop off a dark
> background.

Sounds good for 256x256, but how feasible is that in 48x48?

> Is there official vector logo art I can use?

I don't think so, sorry.

> >It would probably be easier if I could handle gimp better
> Let me handle this, ma'am.  I'm a trained professional. >:)

Yessir!  With pleasure, sir!


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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