On 29 July 2011 15:11, Warren Young wrote:
> Here's a version with heavy chiseled bevels and shadows added:
>    http://etr-usa.com/cygwin/logo/beveled.ico
> The bevel depth and style can of course be varied, as can the shadow angle,
> opacity, etc.  If you don't like it but can describe what you'd like better,
> I'll take a shot at creating it.

Could you do that one without the shadow, or perhaps just a small
shadow below? That appears to be the done thing elsewhere. Also,
Corinna's idea of toning down the edge to light grey seems a good one.
Light green might be worth trying as well.

Also, does this originate in a vector format, i.e. could you make it
available as an SVG? Or otherwise as a hires PNG? (768 seems good
because it's divisible by both 256 and 48.)

Finally, the white edge line at the bottom seems to be slightly too
low, because there are a couple of rough corners there.


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