On 8/2/2011 11:24 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> I guess we're getting close to the end result now.

So, how are you (Andy, Corinna) planning to handle the .ico file(s)
themselves?  Are you

1. (Andy) planning to put it/them into the mintty executable as resource(s),

2. ship the .ico file(s) in '/' as part of the main cygwin package, as
we have long done with cygwin.ico

3. Incorporate it/them into cygicon*.dll as part of the cygutils package

or some combination?  I'm open to #3, but I'll need provenance and
licensing info (see the end of /usr/share/doc/cygutils/cygicons/README )

P.S. I've been quiet on the artistic aspects of this discussion 'cause,
well, I'm a no-talent hack, and I figured ya'll could do all the
bike-shedding without my $0.37 (adjusted for inflation).


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