wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=3 \
    http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/pax/pax-20120606-1-src.tar.bz2 \
    http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/pax/pax-20120606-1.tar.bz2 \

Included in Debian:


To check packaging:

  tar -xf *-src.tar.bz2
  ./*.sh --color --verbose all


[ setup.hint ]

sdesc: "Portable Archive Interchange"
ldesc: "An implementation of an archiving utility that reads
and writes several formats - traditional ones, the extended
formats specified in IEEE 1003.1, and the ar(5) format. The
pax interface was designed by IEEE 1003.2 as a compromise in
the chronic controversy over which of tar or cpio is best, but
this implementation offers paxcpio and paxtar for easy calling.
This is the MirBSD paxtar implementation."
category: Archive

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