wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=3 \
    http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/xloadimage/setup.hint \

    # To check packaging

    cd xloadimage
    tar -xf *-src.tar.bz2
    ./*.sh --color --verbose all

Included in Debian:



[ setup.hint ]

sdesc: "Graphics file viewer under X11"
ldesc: "Can view png, jpeg, gif, tiff, niff, sunraster, fbm, cmuraster, pbm,
faces, rle, xwd, vff, mcidas, vicar, pcx, gem, macpaint, xpm and xbm
files. Can view images, put them on the root window, or dump them.
Does a variety of processing, including: clipping, dithering, depth
reduction, zoom, brightening/darkening and merging."
category: X11
requires: libX11_6 libjpeg8 libpng15 libtiff5

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