I've published several improvements to cygport on Github.  Each improvement
is in its own branch:

  Adds the "upload" command: upload finished packages to cygwin.com.

  Creates fish scripts in /etc/profile.d/*.fish.

  Adds support for the src_prep_fini_hook() hook function, which runs 
  at the end of prep, after creation of the src directory. This seems to be
the only way to copy in complete files to the src directory during prep.
src_patch_hook() and src_unpack_hook() don't work for that, because they
  run before src is created.  (You could use them to copy files into 
  origsrc, but then the diff wouldn't appear in the cygwin.patch.)

  I find this hook essential for copying in extra files such as the
  CYGWIN-PATCHES directory, including README.Cygwin, during prep, and 
  having them reflected in the cygwin.patch. In .cygport.conf:

    src_prep_fini_hook ()
      cd "${top}"
      # copy in extra files
      if [[ -d extras && "$(ls extras)" ]] ; then
        inform "Copying in extra files"
        cp -a extras/* "${S}"

  It's much easier to maintain extra files as files like this and copy them
in during prep, than to keep them as patches.

  Originally proposed years ago by Charles Wilson.  Some old discussion is
  at https://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin-apps/2008-10/msg00087.html .

  Merges the upload, fish, and src_prep_fini_hook branches.  This is the
  version I use for my regular packaging.

Git repository:
  Web https://github.com/andrex-e-schulman/cygport
  git clone https://github.com/andrex-e-schulman/cygport.git

To try a package with all of the above improvements (for x86 or x86_64):

wget http://home.comcast.net/~andrex2/cygwin/cygport-0.17.0-aes1.tar.xz
tar -Jx -C/ -f cygport-0.17.0-aes1.tar.xz


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