> Andrew Schulman writes:
> > upload
> >   Adds the "upload" command: upload finished packages to cygwin.com.
> I don't think the !ready files should be created by cygport, at all.

Yaakov will decide, but I disagree.  The point of having an upload command
is to relieve packagers of the tedium and likelihood of getting it wrong
when they have to remember where to connect to and which commands to run to
put what files where.  How much nicer to just run "cygport up" and let
cygport handle it.

I suppose the step of uploading the !ready file could be separated out into
a separate cygport command, but it really doesn't seem worth the trouble.

> Also, I would rather want to place these files into a local
> staging/mirror area first and then upload after the files have been
> tested (lftp work great for this).

But cygport already does that.  They're in the dist/$PN subdirectory, all
arranged as they need to be for uploading.  You can test them there until
you're satisfied they're correct, before you run cygport up.  

Also note that:

* !ready will only be created after all of the files have been successfully
uploaded.  If there's an error during the upload, it's not created.

* The current implementation puts the !ready file into a package-specific
directory, e.g. /x86_64/screen, instead of /x86_64.  So by running "cygport
up" you only flag a single package as ready, not the whole arch directory.


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