On Jan 23 17:43, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 1/23/2015 3:09 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Hi Ken,
> >
> >On Jan 23 08:48, Ken Brown wrote:
> >>[...]
> >>My guess is correct.  lisp.exe uses bit 31 (counting from the LSB) as a
> >>marker during garbage collection, and this is incompatible with Cygwin's use
> >>of high memory for the heap.  I think I know how to fix this (by defining
> >>LINUX_NOEXEC_HEAPCODES in the Cygwin build), but I haven't finished testing
> >>it yet.
> >
> >Given that by default *all* addresses used for 64 bit Cygwin processes
> >are beyond the 2GB border, it's kind of tricky to use bit 31 for anything.
> >
> >But even then, the same code would fail on 32 bit Windows as well, if
> >it's running under WOW64 or a 32 bit kernel started with the /3GB flag
> >(or it's successor).  In both cases Cygwin would happily use the
> >addresses beyond 0x80000000 for the heap.
> >
> >So, from that I conclude that using bit 31 for any dubious reason is
> >inherently broken.  I hope that the LINUX_NOEXEC_HEAPCODES stuff works,
> >and if so, it should be used for the 32 bit build as well.
> Sorry, I should have been more clear.  I was only talking about the 32-bit
> build.  I haven't yet seriously tried the 64-bit build.

Oh, ok.

> >>I'd like to know Reini's intentions before investing any more time in this.
> >>BTW, I am *not* qualified to take over as clisp maintainer.  I've never used
> >>clisp, and I know nothing about it other than the tiny bit I've learned from
> >>debugging the crash I mentioned above.
> >
> >Well, it seems you're now stuck with it.
> >
> ><slashdot>
> >I, for one, welcome our new clisp overlord!
> ></slashdot>
> Thanks a lot.
> I'll see if I can at least get version 3.48 or 3.49 built on both platforms.
> But in view of what Reini said about it being broken upstream, I don't think
> I'll try to go further.

Whoopee!  You know, I was just making fun, but that's really good news.
If you need help to analyze problems on 64 bit, or if you have fun to
look why the newer versions won't work, feel free to discuss the problems
here.  Maybe it's something we can solve together.

Thanks a million,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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