On 25/01/15 17:20, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Instead of always defaulting to the curr version, Setup now checks if
the installed version of a package is higher than the curr version of
the package.

This sounds like a great idea - providing that the logic to compare two version numbers is sufficiently clever. Looking at operator<() in package_version.cc, it appears as though this is performing simple string comparison on the version numbers. This would fail in a number of cases. A real example from setup.ini:

    package: at-spi2-atk
    curr: 2.10.2-1
    prev: 2.8.1-1

A simple string comparison would prefer prev over curr!

In your patch, maybe it could be better to call packageversion::compareVersions() rather than use operator<(). I'm not terribly familiar with the setup code, so please excuse me if I'm mistaken, got lost in the code, or am completely barking up the wrong tree.


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