David Stacey writes:
> I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this. The UTF16 test (the one
> that works) uses std::wstring, but the UTF32 test (the one that
> crashes) uses a custom string made with a 32-bit integer and
> corresponding traits class. If the UTF16 test is switched from using
> std::wstring to a similar custom string type then this also crashes.
> It would be easy to blame the custom string types, except that I can
> isolate the code in a stand-alone example that works fine. Plus, I've
> compiled Poco on Fedora 21 with the two custom string types, and again
> everything works fine.
> I tried compiling with all optimisation turned off, and now the code
> still crashes, just more slowly :-) I was hoping that I might get
> something more sensible out of gdb with -O0, but alas no. The next
> step is to produce a static build (again with all optimisation
> disabled) and then cut bits out of it until I come up with a minimal
> programme that exhibits the bug.

Is that code trying to switch encoding in any way?  There's a bug in
Perl (only 64bit) that throws a SEGV when doing that…

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