On 21/03/2016 20:41, cyg...@sourceware.org wrote:
calm.py: no setup.hint in /sourceware/cygwin-staging/home/Thomas 
Wolff/x86_64/release/mintty but files: mintty-2.3.3-0-src.tar.xz, 
calm.py: no setup.hint in /sourceware/cygwin-staging/home/Thomas 
Wolff/x86/release/mintty but files: mintty-2.3.3-0-src.tar.xz, 

I've set this upload to be retried, with a copy of the current setup.hint

While historically just uploading package files, without a setup.hint has been allowed, this doesn't seem a good idea, as the setup.hint should reflect any updated dependencies the package has.

(this may not be significant for mintty which only depends on cygwin, but for other packages, it could be more important)

So, please upload the setup.hint as well, in future.

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