On Apr 17 12:34, Jon Turney wrote:
> I recently deployed an update to calm which should causes it to run
> on-demand after a maintainer SFTP upload.
> Hopefully this reduces the inconvenience of having to wait till the next
> scheduled run, after an upload is made which fails due to some easily
> correctable problem.
> calm continues to also run on a schedule at :10 and :40 past the hour, so it
> will still note changes which have been made directly on sourceware.
> If you have shell access on sourceware, and make such changes, you can force
> calm to run with '~cygwin-admin/bin/calm scan-(uploads|relarea)'.
> Given that, it probably makes sense to consider reducing the frequency of
> scheduled runs.



Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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