On 2017-05-06 08:38, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> On 06/05/2017 02:20, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> On 2017-05-01 13:57, Achim Gratz wrote:
>>> Jon Turney writes:
>>>> What is your reason for changing the name?
>>> There shouldn't be two different naming conventions for the same
>>> purpose. So
>>> package-version-release[-purpose].tar.xz
>>> with purpose:=[source|debuginfo] would be preferrable.
>>>> I was wondering if we need to explicitly identify debuginfo
>>>> archives as a different kind of thing. Currently, debuginfo
>>>> packages work just like any other install archive, which is fine,
>>>> except for perhaps they need a separate filter in setup.
>>> They wouldn't with the above naming convention and you'd just tick
>>> another box to say you want them installed, just like sources. We
>>> might even skip the archful directories and just do
>>> [noarch|x86|x86_64] as well in the same place.
> Tick the box is already one of the least understood feature of setup,
> I suggest to not add further stuff there.
> debuginfo and src have a major difference in installation:
> debuginfo are tracked as normal packages, reported on "/etc/setup/" 
> and they can be unistalled as any other package.
> src package are not tracked at all and can not be unistalled with
> setup. If we decide to manage them like the other packages we should
> remove such anomaly.

The automatic/manual pick bit in installed.db could be extended to 
also add flag bits for installed -src, -doc, -devel, and -debuginfo 
pkgs, and it would also be useful to add flag bits for base pkgs and 
a sticky keep/hold bit to support that long requested feature.
I've been looking at it from the perspective of adding apt-cyg 
features available in Debian apt{,-*}, without keeping info separate 
from setup which could become inconsistent.

>> In the same vein, boxes for doc and devel packages, where
>> available, would make selection easier for users, developers, and
>> maintainers, but require changes to cygport and setup to integrate
>> handling.
> this is in IMHO a useless complication, the search filter is already
> available for selecting similar packages.
> We have multiple documentation or multiple development packages for a
> single source package so clustering is not obvious at all

For each binary arch install is there more than one each related 
-devel, -debuginfo, -doc, or -src pkg? 

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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