On 7/19/2017 1:03 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul 19 10:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul 18 22:16, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/18/2017 6:41 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/18/2017 3:21 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Corinna Vinschen writes:
Oh, and a plain C testcase, of course...

Call that fflush.c:
Then run:

gcc fflush.c -o fflush
cat fflush.c | ./fflush 2>/dev/null > fflush.out
diff fflush.c fflush.out

If things are working, fflush.c and fflush.out should be identical.
Currently only the first line makes it into fflush.out on Cygwin.

I've checked that the 2017-03-08 snapshot is good and the 2017-03-10
snapshot is bad.  I'll bisect further when I get a chance


44b1746a41921533d27aca414a9188314cb725b6 is the first bad commit
commit 44b1746a41921533d27aca414a9188314cb725b6
Author: Corinna Vinschen <cori...@vinschen.de>
Date:   Fri Mar 10 20:21:09 2017 +0100

     errno: Stop using _impure_ptr->_errno completely

     We use errno AKA _REENT->_errno since the last century and only set
     _impure_ptr->_errno for backward compat.  Stop that.  Also, remove
     the last check for _impure_ptr->_errno in Cygwin code.


Achim, thanks for the testcase.  Ken, thanks for bisecting.  You're
my hero!

I reverted the patch and created new developer snapshots.

I forgot the gold star.  Thanks again, Ken!

Glad I could do it.  And thanks for the hero comment.  You made my day.


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