On Oct 31 11:06, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Am 30.10.2017 um 16:58 schrieb Jon Turney:
> > "everyone" != "everyone, ignoring people who disagree with me"
> I think this is an unfair summary of my position.
> > If you think epochs are a bad idea, you need to give reasons, not just
> > pretend there is no debate.
> I was strictly talking about those folks who've had the opportunity in
> practise so far, which is all the major GNU/Linux distributions.  The ones
> I'm aware of aren't using epochs and instead decided to use other means of
> achieving the same (or similar) goals.  In fact they created rules to not
> use epochs even though the tools support them.  Their line of reasoning
> always was (and still is), that once you start using epochs there is no way
> going back and you could just as well have used monotonic release numbers
> instead of versions.  The other point is that it is close to impossible that
> everybody will agree on what the epoch ought to be.  The last point is that
> once an epoch bump is introduced, you can't decide to sort things
> differently unless you're prepared to invalidate all existing released
> packages.

Not sure what distros you're referring to.  Of the 58467 packages
in Fedora 26, 7822 are using epochs.


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