Am 20.03.2020 um 04:47 schrieb Yaakov Selkowitz:
Hello Cygwin package maintainers,

As you all probably noted, I haven't been around much.  My team at work
has been really busy accomplishing some pretty amazing feats over the
last number of months, most recently:

While it's been great for my career, it obviously hasn't been so good
for you and the community as a whole, as I've really had absolutely no
time to work on Cygwin packaging.  In fact, I've barely used my Windows
machine and VMs at all for quite some time.  And to be completely
honest, it really doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon

To that end, in the best interest of the community, please consider my
packages up for adoption.  I don't expect that any one person will take
all of them; some are obsolete and due for removal anyway, some should
be picked up as soon as possible, and others might just end up
bitrotting if nobody is interested in them.  However, in whatever there
is interest (or need), hopefully what is there now will serve as a
strong foundation to on which to continue to build.

(And just to be perfectly clear, we're all in good health; this has
nothing to do with the current crisis, except that maybe some of you
have more time at home now to use to the benefit of Cygwin.)

I'll continue lurking on the lists, and with this burden off my
shoulders, try to transition to being a little more active as a mentor.
So, please feel free to ask questions (on list, please), particularly
if you don't understand why I did something in my packaging.  There is
(or at least was at the time!) a good reason for all of it, even though
I often neglected to document why.  I'll try to do what I can to make
this as smooth as possible.

All the best, stay safe, and keep on building!


Hi Yaakov,
thanks of letting us know.
I guess that most of us clearly understood that work took over
and as you have clearly a talent to make stuff work together
I am not surprised that Redhat is using that to full speed.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

PS for all the others:
"Houston we have a problem.."

$ awk '{$1="" ; print }' cygwin-pkg-maint  | sort  | uniq -c |sort -rn
   2691  Yaakov Selkowitz
    244  Achim Gratz
    165  Marco Atzeri
    162  Jari Aalto
    140  ORPHANED (Yaakov Selkowitz)
     95  Ken Brown
     82  Achim Gratz/Yaakov Selkowitz
     47  Achim Gratz/Ken Brown
     42  ORPHANED (Dr. Volker Zell)
     33  Corinna Vinschen
     29  Jon Turney
     28  Andrew Schulman
     22  ORPHANED (David Stacey)
     22  Jonathan Yong
     21  Eric Blake
     18  David Rothenberger
      9  ORPHANED
      8  ORPHANED (Charles Wilson)
      8  Christian Franke

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