On 21/05/2020 20:58, Jon Turney wrote:
On 21/05/2020 19:27, Thomas Wolff wrote:
I wanted to upload mintty 3.1.6 with a specific setup.hint containing
curr: 3.1.6
prev: 3.1.4
but got it wrong so the upload was "normal" instead.
I've now uploaded just the setup.hint (mintty-3.1.6-1.hint) and !ready files manually. Will that work or should I repeat the complete upload?

These 'curr' and prev' key are only valid in an override.hint file:


Correction: per [1], 'prev:' isn't actually valid in override.hint anymore, since it didn't actually do anything much.

So all you are really saying here is 'curr: 3.1.6', which calm is capable of working out anyhow, and will be wrong when the next version is uploaded (and require you to remember to remove it then).

So, um, yeah.

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2020-March/039948.html

(It's unclear how these should be interpreted if they were present with different values in the hints for different versions)

However, in this case since you simply wish to withdraw 3.1.5-1, I'd suggest you use the provided mechanism to delete that version:


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