On Fri, 2020-05-15 at 11:30 -0400, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> cygport file attached.  I've bumped the version to 1.12.2, which is the 
> latest 
> stable upstream release.  Upstream has actually released 1.15.5, but the News 
> file says it's unstable and recommends that distros not package it.

GNOME still uses the development/stable odd/even-minor versioning
scheme (like the Linux kernel used to long ago).

> I'm proposing an unversioned source package cairomm, as well as unversioned 
> devel and doc packages.  This is what we do with many library packages, and 
> it 
> is consistent with Fedora's packaging.

I would strongly recommend against this rename, and in fact it is
Fedora that might have to adapt, because:

> It will also ease future maintenance.  I've looked at the upstream git repo, 
> and 
> there's been an ABI change from 1.0 to 1.14 and then to 1.16.  It would be 
> annoying to have to create a new Cygwin package for each such change.

1.0 isn't an ABI version, it's an API version, and like many GNOME
libraries, the GTKmm bindings carry the API version in all its
directories and library names, so that multiple versions may be
installed in parallel.  (Any given application can use only one stack,
but you can have some apps using the new and other apps using the
current until they update.)  Cairo is relatively newer than the rest of
the stack, and so it hasn't been through this process before, but the
others have.

(That's they the current versions are e.g. 2.4 instead of 2.0, because
the upcoming versions will be the third or even fourth API version for
most of these packages; the previous versions were obsolete a LONG time
ago.  In fact, just remembering going through this last time, and then
realizing how long ago that was, isn't making me feel any younger. :-)

With the introduction of libsigc-3.0, this and the rest of the GTKmm
stack is going to undergo a(nother) API version bump, with the new
versions should be parallel installable with the current:

Current: libsigc-2.0, glibmm-2.4, cairomm-1.0, atkmm-1.6, pangomm-1.4,
gtkmm-2.4 and -3.0, 

New: libsigc-3.0, glibmm-2.66, cairomm-1.16, atkmm-2.30, pangomm-2.44,
gtkmm-4.0, etc.

We're going to want to be able to have both for a period of time, and
of course this could always happen again in the future.  That's why
they always been, and should remain, versioned.


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