On 10/17/2020 9:43 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Ken Brown writes:
There's no need for a new release at the moment, but I'm attaching the cygport
file I would use if there were.  It differs in only very minor ways from the
current cygport file (also attached).

For your problem with the debuginfo that we've briefly discussed on IRC:

It turns out I had exactly the same problem before, for exactly the same
reason (Qt moc-generated interface headers) and the same fix works just
as well for doxygen:

CFLAGS+=" -femit-struct-debug-reduced"

That gets you debuginfo packages for both architectures (I didn't have
graphviz installed when building the package locally, but I doubt it
makes a difference for this issue).  I doubt anyone is going to notice
the difference due to the less detailed debugging information… :-)

Thanks!  That's good to know.


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