On 2020-11-16 15:16, Jon Turney wrote:
On 16/11/2020 21:54, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2020-05-27 16:27, Jon Turney wrote:
On 04/08/2019 21:08, Jon Turney wrote:
To remedy this lack, using the same ssh key you use for sftp package upload, package maintainers can now also push to git repositories, like so:

Package maintainers may have noticed that the output from pushing to these git repositories now includes a line like:

"remote: scallywag: build nnn queued"

This is a *prototype* of a system to automatically build the packages, where the results appear (some time later) at [1] (URL subject to change)

[1] https://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/jobs.cgi

To allow experimentation without messing up the version history unnecessarily:

- All package repositories allow the maintainer(s) to create, push, rewind and delete a branch named 'playground'.

- An additional package repository called 'playground' exists, that all maintainers can do anything to.

Could anyone please check and advise if the attached .git/config will allow me to push to the playground repo and later branch for testing, or demo the appropriate .git/config entries or git config commands to do so properly?

To push to the playground repo, I generally just use 'git push ssh://cyg...@cygwin.com/git/cygwin-packages/playground.git -f'.

Thanks, the -f did it, but I've "-f'ed" myself a lot with git, so avoid it.

The URLs in that config don't look quite right, since they seem to have hostname of just 'cygwin'?

My ~/.ssh/config has "host" names for orgs and systems, but some programs (git?/lftp?/sftp?/?) get confused if you use those in other connection strings: "what do you mean 'cyg...@cygwin.com@cyg...@cygwin.com.com'", but your git command also worked without complaints.

Is there any way to move tags to a later commit once pushed?
I have one in wget that can't be deleted or forced because of the hook fallthru.

tags don't have any particular significance, at the moment.

I removed the wget '1.20.3-2' tag for you.

Cheers, thanks!
I will wait until finished changing and reviews before pushing tags in future.

Finally are there other CI jobs.cgi?params=... other than id, e.g. jobs.cgi?by=Brian+Inglis?

Not at this time.  I agree it would be nice if you could filter by the various columns.

The jobs.cgi script script is tiny (see [1]), if you want to make improvements.

[1] https://cygwin.com/git/?p=cygwin-apps/scallywag.git;a=blob;f=jobs.cgi

Not at this time. Would bloat up your tiny script! ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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