Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps writes:
> Since it seems that 'Prefix' is different from 'Portage',
> I'm not sure that it's ok to replace only the citation.

I think Prefix builds on Portage or rather is an extension on it, but
Michael Haubenwallner should be able to tell you more if you are
interested.  So if Prefix does work on Cygwin, Portage certainly should
as well.  Portage is the package manager of Gentoo and Gentoo builds
everything you install from source, on the system you are currently on.
AFAUI, Prefix additionally makes it possible to build into a foreign
installation and/or hosted by something other than Gentoo.  So runnning
Prefix on Cygwin will enable you to use Portage packages on Cygwin, but
they will be built locally like on Gentoo by default.

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