On 2021-11-10 05:33, Jason Pyeron wrote:
On Sunday, October 31, 2021 10:37 AM, Jason Pyeron wrote:
On Sunday, October 31, 2021 8:48 AM, Jon Turney wrote:
On 29/09/2021 15:27, Jason Pyeron wrote:
On Friday, July 30, 2021 10:34 AM, Jason Pyeron wrote:
AIDE - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
It is a GPL v2 tool for monitoring file system changes.
There was no (mature?) Windows open source solution until AIDE was built and 
tested for
Cygwin. This fills a long standing gap in needs.
Closed source alternative - Trip Wire.
It is packaged and shipped with most Linux distributions - I am most familiar 
with the
RHEL packaging.
I have built and tested the most recent stable and development versions.
I will track the development versions for test package releases.
Category Security.

There has been no response. It has been in test locally for 2
months now.
May I push the cygport to git and provide a test release?
Upstream has expressed willingness to review/track patches, if

Good idea to submit patches upstream, as it reduces the number of patches you have to maintain and rebase, and they may have a better idea of how to achieve the same goal with more generality having their knowledge of the package source and build.

Thanks for offering to package and maintain this package, and
apologies for the delay in responding.
Notwithstanding [1] (which needs updating), I look for 2 things
in an ITP: - a statement that the software uses an acceptable
open-source license
GPL v2, mentioned in the above original email.

- the cygport file (as an attachemnt or link) so it can be
reviewed and tested
The attached (with required patch) has been in testing on multiple
windows servers since late July. They can also be reviewed on
github [2].
Using github is an issue for some: gitlab, bitbucket, etc. may or may not be.

That is why it is a good idea to checkout your repo on a playground branch, then force push your repo to:


and post the jobs.cgi, run, and log links.

You may also add this as another remote e.g. playground to your repo in your .git/config e.g.:

[remote "playground"]
        url = ssh://cyg...@cygwin.com/git/cygwin-packages/playground
        fetch = +refs/heads/playground:refs/remotes/playground/*
[branch "playground"]
        remote = playground
        merge = refs/heads/playground

or equivalent using commands (that I never learned about).

Or copy your cygport, patches, source and both arch build hints and tarballs, including debuginfo if generated, to a storage site folder, and post the access link.

If you're still interested in progressing this, please provide the
cygport file for discussion.

[1] https://cygwin.com/packaging-contributors-guide.html#submitting

Interested, very interested. I am on the aide developers list to track updates, 
bugs, and

2: https://github.com/pdinc-oss/aide/tree/cygport

Anyone interested in reviewing? Can I put this out there as a test
package - there are many not on this mailing list that would test but
would not build it.
You should be able to drop the explicit REQUIRES. You only need to specify those not directly used by the executables, as cygport figures those out and reports them at the end of your build. You should be seeing those package names duplicated at the end of your cygport ... {package,pkg,{,almost}all}{,-test} run e.g.:

>>> aide requires: cygwin libmhash2 libpcre1 zlib0 cygwin libmhash2 libpcre1 zlib0

Please also ensure that the package builds cleanly on both arches.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This email may be disturbing to some readers as it contains
too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised.
[Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]

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