On 09/02/2022 14:22, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
On Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 08:34:16AM -0500, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
On 2/8/2022 4:11 PM, cygwin-apps-rdbxbdvo6bxqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org wrote:
WARNING: copying 'exim-4.95-1.hint' to 'exim-4.95-1-src.hint'
INFO: srcpkg exim-4.95-1-src.tar.xz contains 0 .cygport files
INFO: cannot determine homepage: from srcpkg exim-4.95-1-src.tar.xz
ERROR: package 'exim': required key 'homepage' missing
ERROR: errors while parsing hints for package 'exim'
ERROR: error parsing /sourceware/cygwin-staging/home/Pierre A. 
ERROR: error while reading uploaded arch x86_64 packages from maintainer Pierre 
A. Humblet

Exim is a legacy package not relying on cygport.

Looks like calm is not happy with that.

Can it be convinced to accept it, like it used to?

The note that there's no cygport file is only marked as "INFO"; the
error appears to be that there's no homepage listed in the .hint file.

I don't know what you're doing to generate the .hint files without
cygport -- all the packages I maintain use cygport -- but I expect you
just need to update whatever your process is to add the homepage.

It's a little more complex than that due to just how legacy the packaging for exim is.

I'd hugely prefer to spend my time helping you to migrate to a more recent packaging style than writing and testing hacks to allow this upload (and supporting that for the rest of time).

Nevertheless, this one time, if you:

* leave this package in your upload area after a failed upload
* tell me what the homepage is for exim

I'll manually move it into place.

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