On 2022-02-28 04:07, Jon Turney wrote:
On 28/02/2022 05:43, Brian Inglis wrote:
I had problems getting clean tests of upgraded wget locally for some reason, but the build and test worked well on scallywag. So I set SCALLYWAG=deploy, pushed to master, and that worked properly, with calm upload email, and upgraded wget in x86{,_64}/setup.ini the only release under [test]. But I cannot run 'untest wget': what have I forgotten, or am I missing, to be able to run this?
     $ ssh cyg...@cygwin.com untest wget
     untest: unable to extract package and version from 'wget'
     $ ssh cyg...@cygwin.com 'untest --help'
     usage: untest.py [-h] [PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]]
     test hint remover
     positional arguments:
     optional arguments:
       -h, --help  show this help message and exit

You must include the version-release you wish to untest as well.
e.g 'untest wget-1.21.3-1'
See https://cygwin.com/package-upload.html#untest

Thanks for that example and link: noted for future ref; worked great!

I'll fix the help text to reflect that.

That would be appreciated, and also maybe if you could please clarify the current error message text, I might have clued in (or not!) e.g.

"unable to extract package, version, release from 'wget' argument"

[Weird: ssh user@host changed to Gmane mailto link

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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