On 11/04/2022 14:45, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin-apps wrote:
After all this time I feel that I should know the answer to this, but here

I have fish-3.4.1-1, a bugfix release. I want it to replace fish-3.4.0-1,
leaving fish-3.3.1-1 as the previous release.

What's the best way to do this? Should I create override.hint, with

keep: 3.3.1-1
replace-versions: 3.4.0-1

? This seems as though it might be right, but one question I have is, will
override.hint persist in future releases unless I replace it?

Or, should I just set

prev: 3.3.1-1

in fish.cygport, and let cygport and calm handle it from there?

The explicit 'prev/test/curr: <version>' lines which could appear in setup.hint aren't supported anymore (see [1]), since there are now different, hopefully better and less ambiguous ways of conveying that information.

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2020-March/039948.html

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