On 01/02/2022 06:20, ASSI wrote:
Mark Geisert writes:
I see that 'mtr' is another Cygwin package that makes use of a Windows
driver via libpcap.  Maybe I can use mtr.cygport etc as a guide; I'm
unsure whether a Cygwin package should be including Windows drivers.

No they should not, although there is at least one other package (libusb
IIRC) that requires non-standard Windows drivers for functioning fully
or correctly.  How to present that requirement in setup is another

The 'message:' line in the .hint file (see [1]) can be used for a related purpose of telling people that Windows drivers are needed, although in fact this is only used by libusb0 at the moment.

Actually checking for those being installed generically in setup seems fraught. But I guess you could write a postinstall script which checks somehow for it's presence and fails if it's not present?

[1] https://cygwin.com/packaging-hint-files.html

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