On 08/06/2022 02:58, as-goahib59...@public.gmane.org wrote:
Updated the gists. Thank you for the feedback.

Looks good.

I added mle and uthash to your authorized packages.

Notwithstanding the instructions at [1], you could instead push to the packaging git repo [2], adding '--push-option=deploy' [3] which should cause packages to be built and uploaded for you.

For mle you will also need '--push-option=testpackages' as it needs to be built against liblua5.4 which is currently marked as test.

[1] https://cygwin.com/packaging-contributors-guide.html#acceptance
[2] https://cygwin.com/packaging/repos.html
[3] https://cygwin.com/packaging/build.html


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