Christian Franke wrote:
Adam Dinwoodie wrote:

I'm also vaguely pondering whether it's worth adding git as a
dependency.  That's not strictly right, since etckeeper doesn't *need*
git, but it's going to be the use case for 99.9% of users, and in the
absence of Cygwin having a "recommends" style dependency, just adding
git seems like it might be sensible.  But I'm far from convinced there.

I'm also not sure and decided to add no git dependency. 99.8% of the users considering to install etckeeper may already have git installed :-)

The Debian package does not use "rec" but "dep (git or hg or brz or darcs)" which defaults to git. If git is installed, the Debian postinst script runs 'etckeeper init && etckeeper commit' on fresh installs. I decided to leave this to the user.

A possible simple extension which would allow the user to choose between manual or automatic installation+initialization:

Provide an optional package, for example "etckeeper-git-init", which depends on etckeeper+git and only contains /etc/postinstall/ which triggers new initialization code in /etc/postinstall/ via some file in /var/cache/etckeeper. This code performs 'etckeeper init && etckeeper commit' if and only if VCS=git is selected and /etc/.git does not exist.


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