I would like to contribute pass (password-store):


category: Utils
requires: bash coreutils grep sed tree
sdesc: "Lightweight CLI directory-based password manager"
ldesc: "Pass is a command line tool which stores, retrieves and
generates passwords securely using gpg.  Optionally password changes
could be tracked and synchronized with git.  Passwords could be
temporarily pasted to /dev/clipboard or displayed as QR codes
(requires package qrencode).  Auto completion modules for bash, fish
and zsh are included.  A vim plugin disables insecure options during
password editing."

Package for review:
wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=2 \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/pass-1.7.4-1.hint \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/pass-1.7.4-1-src.hint \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/pass-1.7.4-1-src.tar.xz \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/pass-1.7.4-1.tar.xz \

gpg or gpg2 are also required. Non-Cygwin versions of gpg.exe or gpg2.exe are also supported if neither gnupg nor gnupg2 is installed.

Package naming differs in practice:
- "pass": Fedora, ... - I decided to use this.
- "pass" but "password-store" for src package: Debian, Ubuntu, ...
- "password-store": ...


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