On 02/10/2022 19:13, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2022-10-02 05:20, Jon Turney wrote:
On 02/10/2022 08:23, Brian Inglis wrote:
Also I don't seem to be able to get on to any mailing list interface to re-enable email to perhaps check status via email in public inbox.

I don't understand what this means.

Email retries are often visible under Sourceware Public Inbox e.g.


It was unintentional that email bounces were ending up there, and has been fixed.

Any chance of maybe just appending to an mbox cleared after 24 hours old?

It would probably just be easier to arrange for upload reports to go to a new mailing list, if we that something that is really wanted...

I keep having to comment out LICENSE after updates to the latest SPDX keys, as it seems to block uploads!

The current situation is that a 'license:' key is not required in the package hint, but if present, it's value must validate.

If you're having problems, please give an example of a something you think is a valid SPDX license expression, but isn't accepted.

What are you using to validate licences in calm - PyPi spdx-tools?

I'm using license_expression

(See https://github.com/nexB/license-expression)

Finally, do you have any advice on what to do about various US Public Domain sources like tz{code,data} about which SPDX.org is still having discussions? I have submitted input asking them to add a tz/tzdb/zoneinfo PD licence instance, and/or also something for other generic US.gov PD sources, like they currently have for NIST, CC, Open Data Commons, Sax, and libselinux. But they closed an issue from a US.gov entity asking for a generic US.gov PD licence for their documents!
For our purposes, you may use the string 'Public-Domain', in cases where no license applies because the material has been placed in the public domain.

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