On 06/10/2022 02:29, Chad Dougherty wrote:
Hello all,

I've been using cygwin for a long time but this is my first attempt at this process so please be gentle :)

I noticed that the current rsync package (3.2.3+20200903+git9f9240b-4) is trailing on security updates and also still using the g-b-s method. I pinged the listed maintainer directly last week asking if they were planning to do any updates but have not heard back.  I hope this was not a faux pas as I didn't read until later that it's best to raise the issue on the list first.

I've attempted to update the port here:

This package also seemed to work OK with some casual real testing.

Thanks for looking into updating this. I'd like to give the existing maintainer first refusal, though.

Comments on this cygport:

REQUIRES="libiconv2 libssl1.1 libxxhash0 libzstd1 liblz4_1"

You don't (and in fact, shouldn't, because you then need to remember to manually update them e.g. when soversions change) list here packages that cygport can automatically detect as dependencies.

# Enable this function for releases that work without autoreconf

You should only override the default src_compile if it doesn't work.

The fact that autoreconf isn't apparently necessary, doesn't mean it should be omitted, since that means that future fixes to the autoconfiguration machinery aren't automatically incorporated into the package, but will only appear when upstream updates the autotools used to generate the distributed autoconfiguration files.

(I think this topic is touched upon in the cygport reference manual in the section on cygautoreconf, but perhaps that could be clearer)

Comparing the contents of the packages this produced with the current package, there are various /usr/share/doc/rsync/*.{html,txt} files which are no longer packaged. Is this intentional?

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