On 13/02/2023 10:47, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:

I've posted some specific comments on some of these.

Please double-check that packages which contain a soversioned library
include that in the package name (for reasons touched on in [1]).

If you'd like me to review any of these again, please post the just new
.cygport file in a follow-up (since that will save me a little time in
having to extract it)

I've updated the package list.

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2023-January/042480.html

| No.| Package                | Maintainer | GTG     | Comment              |
|  1 | [ITP] AMF              |            |         |                      |
|  2 | [ITP] nv-codec-headers |            |         |                      |
|  3 | [ITP] mfx_dispatch     |            |         |                      |
|  4 | [ITP] aom              | Assigned   | Almost  |                      |
|  5 | [ITP] xvidcore         | Assigned   |         |                      |
|  6 | [ITP] openh264         | Assigned   |         |                      |
|  7 | [ITP] ffmpeg           | Assigned   |         | Needs 1,2,3,4,5,6,10 |
|  8 | [ITP] moc              | Assigned   | Almost  | Needs 7              |
|  9 | [ITP] libopusenc       |            | Almost  |                      |
| 10 | [ITA] fdk-aac          |            | Almost  | [ITP] -> [ITA]       |
| 11 | [ITA] libsndfile       | Assigned   | Almost  | Needs 13             |
| 12 | [ITA] pulseaudio       | Assigned   | Almost  |                      |
| 13 | [ITA] opus             | Assigned   |         |                      |
| 14 | [ITA] opusfile         | Assigned   |         |                      |
| 15 | [ITA] opus-tools       | Assigned   |         | Needs 9              |
| 16 | [ITA] mpg123           | Assigned   | Almost  |                      |
| 17 | [ITA] SDL2             | Assigned   | Yes     |                      |
| 18 | [ITP] x264             |            |         | Withdrawn            |
| 19 | [ITP] x265             |            |         | Withdrawn            |
| 20 | [ITP] faad2            | Assigned * |         | Withdrawn            |

* Please remove faad2 from package list (ref. Yaakov's reply).

I have applied these updates.

All the the ITPs and ITAs I haven't specifically replied to are also approved.

Thanks again!

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