On 27/07/2023 07:46, 小さい猫 via Cygwin-apps wrote:

Recently, for my personal needs, I have been trying to tweak and upgrade the 
following packages: llvm, compiler-rt, libunwind, libcxxabi, libcxx, clang 
(upgrading version by version from the original 9.0.1, and currently upgraded 
to version 12.0.1).

I imported some useful patches from Fedora RPMs, MinGW packages from MSYS2, and 
okuoku's llvm fork[1].

For patches and modified cygport files, the repos are here: 
https://github.com/orgs/ookiineko-cygpkg/repositories (commit histories are 

Thanks.  This is awesome (and long needed!) work.

I'd suggest, if possible, you try to upstream your patches, as you are likely to get more knowledgable review there, but we'll try to take a look at them...

I would like to ask why you've dropped debuginfo package generation, and why LLVM_CONFIG_PATH needs explicitly setting, in most packages?

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