On 15/12/2023 17:15, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 23/10/2023 19:53, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 02/05/2023 21:34, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 01/05/2023 21:00, Achim Gratz via Cygwin-apps wrote:

I'm going to release Perl 5.36.1 to Cygwin in a few days.  I've skipped
5.34 in order to update only every second year (which I've done since
the 5.22 release).  I haven't seen any trouble in my own Perl
distribution packages from the update even though there are lots of
them that haven't been updated since at least 5.22.  So I hope it will
be smooth sailing for anything else depending on Perl also.

Any maintainer having packages that depend on perl5_032 should
re-release or upgrade these soon-ish after the Perl update is available,
as otherwise users are either blocked from upgrading Perl or will have
to uninstall the affected packages.  The rebuilt packages need to have a
dependency on perl5_036, which cygport provides automatically.

There's an updated report available [1], which should list the affected packages.

[1] https://cygwin.com/packages/reports/perl_rebuilds.html

Hi Jari,

Is it possible to get a rebuild/update of pristine-tar and sendxmpp for perl5.36?

On further examination, it seems that sendxmpp is mistakenly identified as having a dependency on a particular version of perl, due to the presence of a /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.32/x86_64-cygwin-threads/auto/sendxmpp/.packlist file, which probably shouldn't be in the package.

So, I've dropped that dependency from sendxmpp.


Please indicate if these packages will be updated, or should be removed.

In the absence of any response, I have removed pristine-tar, the last remaining package depending on perl 5.32, so people who install everything (against our advice) aren't potentially forced down onto an old perl.

I will assume it is orphaned unless you say otherwise.

If that's not what you wanted to happen, please let me know.

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