On 01/05/2024 17:48, Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 2024-04-30 23:32, ASSI via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps writes:
Some package upstreams offer only checksums, for example .sha512sum, .sha256sum, for verification rather than gpg signatures, for example .asc, .sig, .sign, etc; use these checksum files when provided in a similar manner to gpg signatures; these files are often provided with fixed names which may be renamed on download to unique values using cygport URI fragment support like #/$NAME-VERSION.sha...sum; use coreutils cksum as it supports all modern and legacy checksums and formats.


Two similar independent implementations mean it would be a good idea to add the feature!

Mine preferred cksum as being the most general approach, while not worrying or knowing too much about ancient sums, although your implementation is better, that is, works properly on those.

Mine also preferred sha*sum file types, while still allowing prefixes only without sum, not enumerating them all in the unpack() case, and respecting the cksum crc default.

I guess this makes sense as a part of the fetch operation, in thsose cases where upstream provides signatures or checksums.

But as briefly discussed in [1], independently of that it would also be a good idea for cygport to specify it's own checksum file, which is incorporated into the source package, and verified at build prep time.

(Since this would protect against such screw ups, help with build reproducibility, and defend against supply chain attacks on upstream)

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2024-March/043540.html

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