Here's a patch that makes the "Other URL" functionality work.  I've merged the
IDD_SITE and IDD_OTHER_URL boxes into one, which seems more intuitive (and yes,
that list box is getting pretty stubby, it's on the proverbial plate).

I also removed "test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc" from the generated
/etc/profile.  Bash sources this automatically after it reads /etc/profile, so
all it was accomplishing with bash as your shell was to run .bashrc twice, which
I doubt was ever the intent, and I have to guess that users of other shells
don't really want to be running a ._bash_rc file.

Note that I've attached two patches here.  The contents are the same, but due to
some wackiness in either "cvs diff" or indent (lemme make a WAG, sit down for
this one: CRLF probs? ;-)), the larger one (-pu'ed) ends up replacing the entire
contents of several files, while the smaller one (-pub'd) is rather less

Take your pick, it's Gair's Bimonthly 2-for-1 Sale!  Every diff must go! ;-)

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

Attachment: ChangeLog.setup.grvs
Description: Binary data

Attachment: setup.diff.pu.bz2
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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