YACP (Yet Another Cygpath Patch)

The major change that this make is setting the UNIXy output to be the
default. This was already true for the -ADHPSW options. If this is a
bad idea for some reason unknown to me, there were only 3 lines changed
to do it. (Everything still works with --unix, of course.)

Also, thinking about this new --type TYPE option, I was wondering what
exactly the 'dos' type did. So I look at the code:

-         if (strcasecmp (windows_format_arg, "mixed") == 0)
-           mixed_flag = 1;
-         else if (strcasecmp (windows_format_arg, "dos") == 0)
-           /* nothing */;
-         else
-           usage (stderr, 1);
-         break;

Ah! It does /* nothing */, I see. So also this patch REMOVES the
-t, --type option and changes it to -m, --mixed instead. This is hopefully
easier to understand.

Also there is gratuitous alphabetizing of the longopts and options, and
various cleanup in usage().


2002-06-18  Joshua Daniel Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * cygpath.cc (usage): Clean up usage output (more).
        (main): Change --type option to --mixed; remove '/* nothing */'.
        Make UNIXy output default.

--- cygpath.cc-orig     Thu Jun 20 17:28:00 2002
+++ cygpath.cc  Thu Jun 20 18:06:23 2002
@@ -30,28 +30,27 @@ static int path_flag, unix_flag, windows
 static int shortname_flag, longname_flag;
 static int ignore_flag, allusers_flag, output_flag;
 static int mixed_flag;
-static const char *windows_format_arg;
 static struct option long_options[] = {
-  {(char *) "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
   {(char *) "absolute", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
+  {(char *) "close", required_argument, (int *) &close_arg, 'c'},
+  {(char *) "file", required_argument, (int *) &file_arg, 'f'},
+  {(char *) "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
+  {(char *) "ignore", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
+  {(char *) "long-name", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
+  {(char *) "mixed", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
   {(char *) "option", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
   {(char *) "path", no_argument, NULL, 'p'},
-  {(char *) "close", required_argument, (int *) &close_arg, 'c'},
+  {(char *) "short-name", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
   {(char *) "unix", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
-  {(char *) "file", required_argument, (int *) &file_arg, 'f'},
   {(char *) "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
   {(char *) "windows", no_argument, NULL, 'w'},
-  {(char *) "short-name", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
-  {(char *) "long-name", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
-  {(char *) "windir", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
-  {(char *) "sysdir", no_argument, NULL, 'S'},
-  {(char *) "ignore", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
   {(char *) "allusers", no_argument, NULL, 'A'},
   {(char *) "desktop", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
-  {(char *) "smprograms", no_argument, NULL, 'P'},
-  {(char *) "type", required_argument, (int *) &windows_format_arg, 't'},
   {(char *) "homeroot", no_argument, NULL, 'H'},
+  {(char *) "smprograms", no_argument, NULL, 'P'},
+  {(char *) "sysdir", no_argument, NULL, 'S'},
+  {(char *) "windir", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
   {0, no_argument, 0, 0}
@@ -60,32 +59,31 @@ usage (FILE * stream, int status)
   if (!ignore_flag || !status)
     fprintf (stream, "\
-Usage: %s (-u|-w|-t TYPE) [-c HANDLE] [-f FILE] [options] NAME\n\n\
-       %s [-ADHPSW] \n\n\
-Output type options (required):\n\
-  -u|--unix            print Unix form of NAME (default)\n\
-  -w|--windows         print Windows form of NAME \n\n\
-  -t|--type             print Windows form of NAME with TYPE one of\n\
-     dos                drive letter with backslashes (C:\\WINNT)\n\
-     mixed              drive letter with regular slashes (C:/WINNT)\n\
+Usage: %s (-u|-w|-t TYPE) [-c HANDLE] [-f FILE] [options] NAME\n\
+       %s [-ADHPSW] \n\
+Output type options:\n\
+  -u, --unix           (default) print Unix form of NAME (/cygdrive/c/winnt)\n\
+  -w, --windows         print Windows form of NAME (C:\\WINNT)\n\
+  -m, --mixed           like --windows, but with regular slashes (C:/WINNT)\n\
 Path conversion options:\n\
-  -a|--absolute                output absolute path\n\
-  -c|--close HANDLE     close HANDLE (for use in captured process)\n\
-  -f|--file FILE        read FILE for input; use - to read from STDIN\n\
-  -i|--ignore          ignore missing argument\n\
-  -l|--long-name       print Windows long form of NAME (with -w only)\n\
-  -p|--path            NAME is a PATH list (i.e., '/bin:/usr/bin')\n\
-  -s|--short-name      print Windows short form of NAME (with -w only)\n\
+  -a, --absolute        output absolute path\n\
+  -l, --long-name      print Windows long form of NAME (with -w only)\n\
+  -p, --path           NAME is a PATH list (i.e., '/bin:/usr/bin')\n\
+  -s, --short-name     print Windows short form of NAME (with -w only)\n\
 System information output:\n\
-  -A|--allusers                use `All Users' instead of current user for -D, -P\n\
-  -D|--desktop         output `Desktop' directory and exit\n\
-  -H|--homeroot                output `Profiles' directory (home root) and exit\n\
-  -P|--smprograms      output Start Menu `Programs' directory and exit\n\
-  -S|--sysdir          output system directory and exit\n\
-  -W|--windir          output `Windows' directory and exit\n\n\
+  -A, --allusers        use `All Users' instead of current user for -D, -P\n\
+  -D, --desktop                output `Desktop' directory and exit\n\
+  -H, --homeroot        output `Profiles' directory (home root) and exit\n\
+  -P, --smprograms     output Start Menu `Programs' directory and exit\n\
+  -S, --sysdir         output system directory and exit\n\
+  -W, --windir         output `Windows' directory and exit\n\
 Other options:\n\
-  -h|--help             output usage information and exit\n\
-  -v|--version         output version information and exit\n\
+  -f, --file FILE       read FILE for input; use - to read from STDIN\n\
+  -o, --option          read options from FILE as well (for use with --file)\n\
+  -c, --close HANDLE    close HANDLE (for use in captured process)\n\
+  -i, --ignore         ignore missing argument\n\
+  -h, --help            output usage information and exit\n\
+  -v, --version                output version information and exit\
   ", prog_name, prog_name);
   exit (ignore_flag ? 0 : status);
@@ -543,7 +541,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   path_flag = 0;
-  unix_flag = 0;
+  unix_flag = 1;
   windows_flag = 0;
   shortname_flag = 0;
   longname_flag = 0;
@@ -552,7 +550,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   options_from_file_flag = 0;
   allusers_flag = 0;
   output_flag = 0;
-  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, (char *) "hac:f:opslSuvwt:WiDPAH",
+  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, (char *) "ac:f:hilmopsuvwADHPSW",
                           long_options, (int *) NULL)) != EOF)
       switch (c)
@@ -578,15 +576,24 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
        case 'u':
-         if (unix_flag || windows_flag)
+         if (windows_flag || mixed_flag)
            usage (stderr, 1);
          unix_flag = 1;
        case 'w':
-         if (unix_flag || windows_flag)
+         if (windows_flag || mixed_flag)
+           usage (stderr, 1);
+         unix_flag = 0;
+         windows_flag = 1;
+         break;
+        case 'm':
+         if (windows_flag) 
            usage (stderr, 1);
+         unix_flag = 0;
          windows_flag = 1;
+         mixed_flag = 1;
        case 'l':
@@ -601,21 +608,6 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
          shortname_flag = 1;
-        case 't':
-         if (unix_flag || (optarg == NULL))
-           usage (stderr, 1);
-         windows_flag = 1;
-         windows_format_arg = (*optarg == '=') ? (optarg + 1) : (optarg);
-         if (strcasecmp (windows_format_arg, "mixed") == 0)
-           mixed_flag = 1;
-         else if (strcasecmp (windows_format_arg, "dos") == 0)
-           /* nothing */;
-         else
-           usage (stderr, 1);
-         break;
        case 'A':
          allusers_flag = 1;
@@ -652,7 +644,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   if (options_from_file_flag && !file_arg)
     usage (stderr, 1);
-  if (!output_flag && !unix_flag && !windows_flag && !options_from_file_flag)
+  if (!unix_flag && !windows_flag && !mixed_flag && !options_from_file_flag)
     usage (stderr, 1);
   if (!file_arg)
@@ -714,6 +706,10 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
                    shortname_flag = 0;
                    longname_flag = 1;
+                 case 'm':
+                   unix_flag = 0;
+                   windows_flag = 1;
+                   mixed_flag = 1;
                  case 'w':
                    unix_flag = 0;
                    windows_flag = 1;

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