On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 04:40:21AM +0900, jojelino wrote:
>i think it's about 5 month between preceeding one.
>missing WINAPI(__stdcall) which should had been added for function 
>pointer type is now cause of SIGSEGV. hence it is added.
>this changes applies to winsup/cygwin/environ,autoload.cc 
>and in autoload.cc, ebp+4 maybe not frame pointer, but we can make sure 
>it replaces return address by using __builtin_frame_address.
>this change applies to winsup/cygwin/autoload.cc
>patch,changelog modified are attached as you can see.
>please review it.

Given the fact that you're changing a fundamental part of Cygwin, I'd
classify this change as nontrivial.  I think you need a copyright
assignment as per http://cygwin.com/contrib.html .


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