On Mar 31 12:18, Peter Foley wrote:
> G++ 6.0 asserts that the "this" pointer is non-null for member functions.
> Refactor methods that check if this is non-null to be static where
> necessary, and remove the check where it is unnecessary.

No, sorry, but now.  Converting all affected functions to static
functions just because this might be null is much too intrusive for my
taste.  *If* that's really a problem going forward, I'd rather see the
pointer test moved into the caller.  But don't waste your time on a
patch yet.
Let's please take a step back and look at what happens.  So, here's the
question:  What error message does G++ 6 generate in case of an `if
(this)' test in a member function, and why on earth should it care and
do that?


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