Suggest also under 1.6:

which seems to be from when Redhat sold Cygwin, so:

- omit Redhat from Corinna's entry, and clean up:

"Corinna Vinschen is the current project lead. Corinna is a senior Red Hat
engineer. Corinna is responsible for the Cygwin library and maintains a couple
of packages, for instance OpenSSH, OpenSSL, and a lot more."

        Corinna Vinschen is the current project lead, responsible for the Cygwin
library and maintains OpenSSH, OpenSSL and a lot more.

- comment out or credit Yaakov;


- change "people; a complete list can be found _here_" link to just 

"The packages in the Net release are maintained by a large group of people; a
complete list can be found _here_."

        The packages are maintained by a large group of _maintainers_.

- anyone else with committer rights who should be added/credited?

Following para:

"Please note that all of us working on Cygwin try to be as responsive as
possible and deal with patches and questions as we get them, but realistically
we don't have time to answer all of the email that is sent to the main mailing
list. Making Net releases of the Win32 tools and helping people on the Net out
is not our primary job function, so some email will have to go unanswered."

"working" to "volunteering";
remove "Win32" and "Net" there and earlier paras;
change "is not our primary job function" to "is an activity in our spare time":

        Please note that all of us volunteering on Cygwin try to be as 
responsive as
possible and deal with patches and questions as we get them, but realistically
we don't have time to answer all of the email that is sent to the main mailing
list. Making releases of the tools and packages and helping people out is an
activity in our spare time, so some email will have to go unanswered.


... Making releases of the tools and packages is an activity in our spare time,
helping people out is not our primary focus, so some email will have to go

Perhaps remove or change all FAQ references to Net releases and Win32 in a
separate patch?

Any other comments, suggestions, issues to address?
I don't mind hacking docs - I've done a lot of it for work and IRL.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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[Data in IEC units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]

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