On 26/11/2020 09:56, Mark Geisert wrote:
Cut mkimport elapsed time in half by forking each iteration of the two
time-consuming loops within.  Only do this if more than one CPU is
present.  In the second loop, combine the two 'objdump' calls into one
system() invocation to avoid a system() invocation per iteration.

Nice.  Thanks for looking into this.

@@ -86,8 +94,18 @@ for my $f (keys %text) {
      if (!$text{$f}) {
        unlink $f;
      } else {
-       system $objcopy, '-R', '.text', $f and exit 1;
-       system $objcopy, '-R', '.bss', '-R', '.data', "t-$f" and exit 1;
+       if ($forking && fork) {
+           # Testing shows parent does need to sleep a short time here,
+           # otherwise system is inundated with hundreds of objcopy processes
+           # and the forked perl processes that launched them.
+           my $delay = 0.01; # NOTE: Slower systems may need to raise this
+           select(undef, undef, undef, $delay); # Supports fractional seconds
+       } else {
+           # Do two objcopy calls at once to avoid one system() call overhead
+           system '(', $objcopy, '-R', '.text', $f, ')', '||',
+               $objcopy, '-R', '.bss', '-R', '.data', "t-$f" and exit 1;
+           exit 0 if $forking;
+       }

Hmm... not so sure about this. This seems racy, as nothing ensures that these objcopies have finished before we combine all the produced .o files into a library.

I'm pretty sure with more understanding, this whole thing could be done better: For example, from a brief look, it seems that the t-*.o files are produced by gas, and then we remove .bss and .data sections. Could we not arrange to assemble these objects without those sections in the first place?

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