On 11/11/2021 4:47 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Nov 10 17:22, Ken Brown wrote:
I can't immediately think of anything.  But is it really impossible to phase
out DOS path support over a period of time?  We could start with a HEADS-UP,
asking for comments, then a deprecation announcement, then something like
the old dosfilewarning option, then a more forceful warning that can't be
turned off, and finally removal of support.  This could be done over a
period of several years (not sure how many).

Yeah, we might try again.  Just not over years, we'll probably lose
track over time.  I'd appreciate a shorter period with a chance to see
the end.

The problem is that people are probably using DOS paths all the time.
Makefiles and scripts mixing Cygwin and DOS tools come to mind.

So maybe an RFC email would be useful rather than a HEADS-UP, just to see how widespread it is.

For the time being, I wonder if we could start with isabspath being
always strict so at least X: isn't an abspath at all.

Sounds reasonable.

We could also put lines like

   # C:/ on /c type ntfs (binary,posix=0)

into the default /etc/fstab.

Commented out, you mean?  Just as hint?


 We could do that.  Personally I
don't like these shortcuts, I rather use a shorter cygdrive prefix, like
/mnt, but I see how this could convince people.  Scripts with mixed
tools will always be a problem, though.


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