On Fri, 18 Nov 2022, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

> Hi Corinna,
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2022, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > However, two points:
> >
> > - I'm wondering if the patch (both of yours) doesn't actually just cover
> >   a problem in child_info_spawn::worker().  Different runpath values,
> >   depending on the app path being "cmd" or "cmd.exe"?  That sounds like
> >   worker() is doing weird stuff.  And it does in line 400ff.
> >
> >   So, if the else branch of this code is apparently working fine for
> >   "cmd" per Takashi's observation in
> >   https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-patches/2022q4/012032.html, how
> >   much sense is in the if branch handling "command.com" and "cmd.exe"
> >   specially?  Wouldn't a better patch get rid of this extra if and
> >   the null_app_name variable instead?
> FWIW I would be in favor of getting rid of this special handling (unless
> it causes a regression). Given the recent experience, I expect Takashi to
> want to work on this without any interference from my side.

I was thinking maybe this check was intended to handle the, umm, "special"
quoting rules that "cmd /c" has (especially without "/s").  I don't know
why that would have anything to do with pcon though, so I may be totally
off the mark.

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