Yes, but did you try it anyways?  Most Linux distributions set XDMCP up as
default when it sets up X.  I would simply try it, before you worry about
setting it up on the Linux system.

Another thought about the Netscape problem you are having... How much time are
you giving it to come up?  How far away is the remote machine?  (What is the
ping rate?)  If you have a ping rate of 70ms or so, Netscape will be dog slow,
and could take as long as 10 minutes to come up.... X programs dont work too
well over networks with latency (ie cable modem).

The other thought, if you think your window manager is the problem... kill off
twm, and run a window manager from the remote machine, and try it again.


--- Raber Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > So did you try running an XDMCP desktop with the
> command line 
> > interface that I
> > mentioned in the last mail?
> Unfortunately the machine is physically remote from me
> and I am not root, so I haven't been able to try this
> yet. I do intend to try this, but it's going to take a
> little while...
> The documentation on XDMCP present on the cygwin site
> shows how to use XDMCP, but not how to set it up...
> > 
> > Brian
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