On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 02:10:32PM -0500, Harold Hunt wrote:
>You are referring to the process of "installing that which you wish to use".
>I don't see any problem here.


>I can't update the User's Guide to say "install inetutils and ssh" because
>Cygwin is always changes its mind about which packages to include in the
>default installation (they dropped bzip2 awhile back) and I don't have the
>time to follow their changes and continue to make updates accordingly.
>Also, the user interface to the Cygwin installer keeps changing, so I don't
>want to have to rewrite the instructions every time that happens.

I think the change you're referring to was that we added, at the request
of many users, a minimal install.  It's based on the debian "base"
category, which does not include bzip2.  The default installation is a
really basic one and it's looking like we need to change that.

Anyway, I'll try to keep in this in mind if we change something in the
future that impacts Cygwin/XFree86.  It never occurred to me that this
would be an issue.


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